Weed Stocks Projected to Do Well in 2018


With a virile bull market in full bloom all through the year in 2017, you may find yourself naturally wondering how the near future looks for marijuana stocks. In fact, other than the cryptocurrency boom, pot stocks hardly had any close competitors this past year with the United States Marijuana Index showing an overall 18.5% advance over the year.

Whether you’re already a savvy investor or simply someone who knows a good thing when he or she sees it, it is a wise impulse indeed to begin speculating and strategizing on how to best take advantage of the current booming growth trends across nearly all cannabis stocks. There is truly no better time than now (in HISTORY) to reap ALL the benefits that marijuana offers; including the current flourishing market.

So with so much opportunity, how do you know which investments are best? Let’s begin narrowing down some of the smartest financial moves in the world of pot in 2018. Whether you’re looking for big opportunity “high risk, high reward” options or some safe, consistent ways to jump on the green wave while it is cresting – we’ve got you covered.

Pot Stocks Showing No Sign of Slowing from The Market Momentum of 2017

In these first few weeks of 2018 alone, there has already been an additional 7.3% growth in the U.S. Marijuana Index. This is following the brief scare of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ efforts to seemingly halt legalization and crack down on all the recent advances in medical and public opinion of cannabis.

Riding off the high of the steadily spreading pot legalization (both medical and recreational, depending on state), $9.7 billion was spent on legalized weed alone in North American – a 33% increase from 2016. Current projections are showing a minimum 28% compound annual growth rate from these figures – with an estimated $24.5 billion being spent on legal marijuana by the year 2021. So, if you haven’t already, now is the best time to learn how to invest in marijuana stocks.

Cannabis Stocks Unfazed by A.G. Jeff Sessions’ Anti-Pot Actions

With Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recent rescinding of the “Cole Memo” (the main impetus for the current marijuana boom – which prevents any and all federal prosecution of cannabis businesses licensed by the state), many were anxious about the immediate fate of the marijuana industry. Fortunately, states by-and-large, as well as the general public, seem completely unfazed by this intimidation tactic.

Booming weed stocks didn’t take a hit either. More and more states continue to proceed with medical and/or recreational pot legalization. A recent poll by Quinnipiac University shows that at least 70% of the general public are strongly opposed to a federal crackdown on marijuana and its growing legalization and use.

Currently, medicinal marijuana is legal in 22 states. Recreational use is now legal in 8 states plus Washington, D.C., Maine, and Massachusetts were the most recent states to legalize recreational marijuana. More states are poised to follow, so, there is no better time to capitalize on the endless growth opportunities available in cannabis stocks.

Here are some of the top weed stocks projected to do well in 2018:

MedReleaf Corporation – The Full Bloom of Still-Growing Medical Marijuana Stocks

One of the most rapidly expanding companies in the medical marijuana industry, MedReleaf, manages to maintain some relatively low production costs while increasing their production capacity and marketing reach. They recently saw their cannabis stocks go up 149% and, with the rate at which they’re currently expanding, this company may present an ideal crossroads between relatively low-risk and relatively high-returns in 2018.

Scott’s Miracle-Gro: The Safest Weed Stock from which to Reap the Benefits of the Medical Marijuana Boom?

Ironically, one of the companies to top this list for the best weed stocks in 2018 is not even technically a weed-based company or in the marijuana industry, per se.

However, with the widespread use of Scott’s Miracle-Gro Company’s hydroponics to cultivate marijuana – especially in the medicinal field – they continue to grow and their stocks continue to steadily swell. If anything, this is just more proof of how much opportunity there currently is when investing in pot stocks or the industry’s related peripheral businesses.

GW Pharmaceuticals – The Height of Mainstream Cannabis Stocks

As one of the most successful mainstream companies in the medical marijuana industry, GW Pharmaceuticals remains one of the safest bets for returns on your investment. Having recently submitted Epidiolex, one of their high-CBD hemp products, to the FDA for approval, they are quickly becoming a household name.

This company is among the top performers doing the most for introducing cannabis-based products into the pharmaceutical field which means more profits and more accessibility to the average person. Advances like this spell out a near-future in which medical marijuana and its derivative products are more highly quality-controlled and more affordable for the average person.

GW Pharmaceuticals’ shares rose a whopping 18.13% in 2017, leveling out somewhat from a 61% gain in 2016. Analysts are currently projecting sales to be around $2.2 billion by 2025. When it comes to pot stocks, if you’re looking for a sure bet – this may be the closest thing to it.

Aphria Incorporated – A Burgeoning Pharmaceutical Giant in the World of Medical Marijuana Stocks

Aphria Inc. is yet another company on the verge of hitting it big in the pharmaceutical world. They are now retailing in Shoppers Drug Mart, a Canadian pharmacy chain, and their marijuana stocks shot up an astronomical 292% in 2017.

Canopy Growth Corporation – Can Slightly Higher Risk Pot Stocks Equal Significantly Higher Rewards?

Fasten your seat belts: this company may be taking off faster than any other. Canopy Growth’s marijuana stocks went up a mind-boggling 247% in 2017. The company’s headquarters house more than 5.6 million square feet of room for marijuana agriculture. With this kind of growth and business capacity, we may want to consider getting in as soon as possible – on the ground floor, so to speak – with this company.

The Moral of the Story When Investing in Weed Stocks in 2018

Whatever your financial and investment choices, stay informed. Choose the medical marijuana stocks that are the best fit for YOU and, remember, there is no one right choice. There are also no guarantees.

That being said, once you have done your research and weighed your options, do not hesitate to join in the success and growth of the fastest-growing industry on the planet. With a sustainable overall growth of approximately 25% per year, cannabis stocks in 2018 remain the most promising bet for investment opportunities. (To learn more about potential investment options, read O, Canada! Looking North of the Border for Pot Investment Opportunities.)


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