State Victories Look Good for Marijuana Stocks


While initial attempts to make medical marijuana available to Tennessee residents have, so far, resulted in failure, a glimmer of hope is presenting itself in the openness of two state lawmakers to find a compromise in the legalization process.

MMJ stocks may be on the brink of significant growth potential with newly proposed legislature in Tennessee.

A newly proposed bill, the Medical Cannabis Only Act of 2018, set forth by Senator Steve Dickerson and Representative Jeremy Faison, would maintain the prohibition of marijuana in dried and edible forms while allowing medically qualified patients to access oil-based products for treatment of a health condition.

Senator Dickerson supports the view that Tennessee residents should have marijuana available to them medicinally in some form. In his words, “Now is the time for the General Assembly to embrace thoughtful, medicinally responsible legislation to help Tennessee’s sickest residents.”

Supporters and investors in weed stocks anticipate a shift in the national mindset around marijuana usage.

Advocates of marijuana legalization express optimism that perceptions of the plant will begin to change from that of an illegal drug to a credible form of alternative medicine. An adjustment in the overall perception of the uses of the cannabis plant will naturally lend itself to increases in marijuana stock values.

This may be helped by the assertion of Representative Faison that the misuse of marijuana in oil form poses far more challenges than in its traditional dried form. Faison explained that oil producers can isolate the effective properties of the marijuana plant, cannabidiol (CBD oil), eliminating the properties which allow users to experience a high. Offering marijuana in this oil-based form, Representative Faison believes, will give state residents a less harmful alternative to over-prescribed medications such as the opioid painkillers that have caused a country-wide epidemic.

MMJ stock investors may witness a decriminalized mindset in the near future after Representative Jeremy Faison expressed his belief in oil-based cannabis as a safer alternative to treat pain and various illness.

Faison expressed the desire among the sickest of Tennessee residents to have the freedom to decide with their doctors what is in the best interest of their health with less legal restraint. “Now is the time for a safe and healthy alternative to opiates, psychotropics and anti-inflammatories,” Faison concluded.

With the passing of this bill, patients with qualifying conditions – cancer, Hepatitis C, Chron’s Disease, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, Alzheimer’s Disease, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, severe arthritis, eplilepsy, schizophrenia, to name a few – would be granted access to a special medical card.

MMJ stock advocates, however, continue to believe that limitations should not be placed on the various forms of medicinal marijuana.

Tennessee lawmakers feel the MMJ bill is a fair compromise while others feel the limitations do not support their claim. According to Bernie Ellis, marijuana in vaporized form is considered the safest and most effective form of treatment for ill patients. Ellis asserts that the inhalation of the whole cannabis plant through a vaporizer is not only safer and more effective, but, brings relief within seconds, as opposed to the 30-60 minutes after ingestion that oils take to experience any effect, let alone the level of relief desired. This, in turn, often results in patients using more than is necessary, leading to greater likelihood of the unpleasant side effects that often accompany overuse (e.g., nausea, disorientation).

That being said, though The Medical Cannabis Only Act is but one step closer to victory, it is a cannabis stock victory nonetheless.

Tennessee has long lagged behind in the legalization of marijuana, so, flawed as the bill may seem to some, at the end of the day, even a small win is a win – for patients, MMJ advocates and pot stock investors.



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